Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Every Challenge is a Choice



Weigh-in230 Lbs (up 1 lb from the last episode)After starting 75 hard, and completing 4 out of seven days I may have felt a bit dejected. This leads to some bad choices and heaven the weight gain. Meanwhile, I am starting to exercise more. Today is the first day of the week, and while I liked the idea behind 75 Hard, it seemed a bit too aggressive for me (which is somewhat the point). As I pointed out previously, I recently went through a move and many other things and just put my health on the back burner. In the end, what 75 Hard is about is pushing past that voice in your head that always finds excuses to allow you to make bad decisions (see above). What I’ve done is I decided to make my own contest. If you’re on an iPhone you can use the streaks app (https://habitshareapp.com/ ). Habitshare is an app for both Android and Ios and it allows you to share your goals with an accountability partner. https://habitshareapp.com/Here is another motivational tool https://www.stickk.com/Stikk nickname is logicalloss