Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Smart Jump Rope - No Longer Kids stuff



Today I share where I've been (Moving). It's not fun.WEIGH INIn the meantime I had gained some weight, and the good news I lost it and I'm back to 225WHEN YOU SAY YES...Right now I have so much stuff on my plate it is not leaving any margin. This is not a good plan. This is somewhat obvious, but in case you didn't notice.When you're time is booked 24/7, when you say YES to another thing, it means you are saying NO to something else. For me this meant my exercise time went away, and consequently the weight cam back on. Bummer. I realized this, and adjusted my eating a bit, and took my situation (Moving) and turned it into exercise (you can burn calories cleaning).I know right now in a pandemic thing and priorities are all screwed up, but never forget that if you're booked solid and say yes to something, you're going to have to say no to something else.There are only 24 hours in the day.JUMPING ROPE GOES HIGH TECHYou can get a really nice jump rope for a reasonable price.They now mak