Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Black and White Weight Loss



I'm back from the road, and I'm ready to get back in the saddle. Last time I was 220.6 and I'm at 221.8 so I'm ready to recommit.  Back Home is Back To Your Triggers When I'm on the road I don't know where the closest ice cream place is. I don't know where all the bad stuff is located. That's a good thing. You're Not Stupid We all know what steps are good. Things like: Getting enough sleep Counting your calories Drinking-Water Exercising Eating Fruits and Vegetables We also know things that are bad such as: Fast Food Ice Cream French Fries Chips Soda So we know what we need to do, but we still do the wrong thing. That seems weird. I think its called being human. Don't beat your self up, but instead take a second and figure WHY you are making these bad choices. WHAT TRIGGERED YOU? The sooner you figure this out, the sooner you can come up with ways to not get triggered.  When you look at your actions ask yourself, "Is this going to lead me to lose weight or gaini