Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Catch the Plane to Wonderland



I started the year at 225.3 and after losing a few pounds, I'm back to 226. This is partly due to me going out of town for the weekend. I tried to do things like skip breakfast and I even exercised one day. None the less my scale went up when I got home. With this in mind, I got up today and exercised early.  MY NOT SO LUCKY GREEN SUIT I had to wear a suit to a speaking gig and I hadn't worn a suit in a while. To make a long story short none of my suits fit. I'm at least 20 lbs heavier than I was when I last wore a suit.  The fun part of this is there is only one person blame. I was not a fan of myself at that moment. I took that time and turned off my phone, TV, computer and just took some time to embrace how bad this felt. I DO NOT WANT TO FEEL THIS WAY. It hurt.  WHY CAN'T WE GET UP TO EXERCISE To get to Boston I had to get up at 5:30 AM which is EARLY for me (very early). Yet, when the alarm went off I got up in a slight panic, took a shower, finished packing, and got out the door on time.