Logical Weight Loss Podcast

The 80-20 Lifestyle



I started the year at 225.3 and after losing a few pounds, I'm back to 225. It's frustrating. I was doing good, but by skipping a few days and not really paying attention to my calories, and not exercising they came right back. The other thing that is killing me is a lack of sleep. My ears ring all the time and have for years, but for some reason, it's starting to affect my sleep. When I set an alarm to get up an exercise it takes an Olympic effort to get out of bed. It seems unfair that I can work for two weeks straight and lose two lbs, and stop for two days and gain it all back. The reason it seems unfair is because it is. You know what else it is? Reality. We have to find a way to deal with it. LOSING WEIGHT IS HARD BUT THESE MAKE IT EASIER STOP DRINKING YOUR CALORIES I started finding myself drinking the occasional coke, hot chocolate, etc. If you can stop drinking calories, you will be amazed at how that will boost your efforts. STAND INSTEAD OF SIT Standing desks have come down in price (th