Logical Weight Loss Podcast

To Be Something You Have to DO Something



I'm looking into the 131 Method by Challenge Johnson. A member of the Logical Losers pointing it out and said it looked interesting. I took a peak on my kindle, and then purchases the Audio Book on Audible. You can get any book on audible for free by going to www.logicalloss.com/freebook This lead to me taking the 131 Method Course I liked that she points out her own struggles as she ages. I liked that she points out how awful parts of the fitness industry is. She talks about a time when she was getting ready to do an exercise video and the producer/director (I can't remember which) asked her to drop a few pounds. I love that she mentions that bad advice that is out there and how many people were spouting advice based on data that may have been funded by people who swayed the results. This did make me wonder what she was basing her exercise videos on, but none the less I admired her honesty. I liked that she mentions in the 131 Method that you don't have to give up one food type. How to Spot a Bad