Logical Weight Loss Podcast

The Poison of Perfection



January started great for me, but mid-monthI started to go back to my old habits. We've talked about doing little things. I know what I want in my routine: Meditation (God time) Affirmations Exercise Water Sleep Food that helps me achieve my goals Taking my Advocare MNS 3 Suppliment Yet, for some reason, I'm not doing all of these and the one that is mind boggling is taking a supplement. Really? how hard is swallowing a pill? The MNS 3 has a few pills you need to take at certain times, and yet at the end of the day, there is always one package I forgot to take with my lunch.  I decided I would write down all of the things I wanted to accomplish each day into the Way of Life app. I was determined and decided I would start on Sunday. Here it is Monday, and I didn't do it. I was so pissed. Do I need to make a checklist to remind me to use my checklist? UGH! So my initial reaction so that I could get a perfect week (my goal) was to try again next Sunday. Wait, what? Yep instead of getting on track