Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Practicing Not Quitting - Other People's Opinions Are Non Of Your Business



I turned 50 today. It's scary. 30 was 20 years ago, and 70 is 20 years from today. I know aging 30 to 50 went FAST. Its kind of spooky to think how fast 50-70 will be. I was listening to Michael Hyatt's podcast and he was talking about always finishing the race. It really inspired me he talked about a race where a woman had fallen and not only did she get up, but she got up and ran as hard as she could and actually won the race.  So we know that no quitting will build out character. We wish there was a better way, but it is those times when we face adversity that really shapes us. My mother died when I was 29. I was going to college and finals were the following week. To make a long story short, I wasn't permitted more time to take my finals. I had to take them the same day everyone else did. I thought I would never be able to focus enough to study and pull it off. I don't remember what I got, but in the end I got the degree. You have strength you didn't know you had, and you don't lea