Logical Weight Loss Podcast

The Motivational Power of Tough Love



Today I talk about some reviews we've received in iTunes. Sometimes its hard to hear negative things about you, but you need to stop and ask if there is any validity to comments. In some cases, there are. Here is the one that really got me. It was from Ellen.   by EllenHenderson from USA on February 8, 2014 I like the guy - he seems like a really good person. However, for the entire time I've been listening to his podcasts, he has puttered around with about a 10 lb. range - this over 2 years or so. He is addicted to Mountain Dew and the entire gist of his shows is to review some web based food and exercise tracking systems or fitness "aids" or iPhone apps. The bottom line is, I need somebody that motivates me by example. Dave seems to be doing this podcast just to listen to himself talk. If that is the purpose of the podcast, I think there are plenty of others that have moved past the "eat less exercise more" mentality. And the difference between them and Dave is, their approaches actu