Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Are You Ready To Lose Weight?



Today I share some insights I'm getting from a great book called IMPOSSIBLE: How I Lost Nearly 400 Pounds Without Surgery . We had the author Bryan Ganey on a few episodes ago, and I'm just now getting around to reading his book. WOW IS IT AWESOME. It's filled with tons of just "Yeah, that makes sense - why didn't I think of that" information. The one thing I love about this book is the information comes from Bryan. Not some academic study. I get the information from someone who does't study it, but instead someone who LIVES it.  I love the fact that it sounds like Bryan is sitting across the table from me giving me advice. So today (after only reading the first few chapters) I wanted to share the points that really jumped out at me. One of those points is that based on your current stress level, relationships, time constraints, and other items in your life - you might not be ready to lose weight. Really? Yes, in some cases we may be trying to do the impossible. That doesn't me