Logical Weight Loss Podcast

The Top Weight Loss Competitions Sites



I created an Excel spreadsheet a while ago that people can download and use to have a Biggest Loser Competition at work, church, home, etc. The "bad" news is you either have one person acting as the Manager of the competition (which can be a hassle asking everyone for their weigh in information), or you let everyone enter their own information each week (for example at a job where the Excel file was stored on a shared network drive), and now everyone can see each other's weight. With the success of the biggest loser, I knew their had to be other people like myself who had taken upon themselves to make having a Biggest Loser contest at work easier. There are, but before we get into that let me state a couple of things. 1. In the end if someone really wants to cheat, they will (you could always strap your fitbit to your dog...). Cheaters never win... in the long run. 2. There are more sites than these, but some of them were obviously just a tool to splash TONS of advertisements in front of you. I ha