Book Choice

Book Choice - Publishers Choice - 10 Jan 23



A big hello from the Fine Music Radio studios, my name is Paige Nick, and you’re tuned into Book Choice our Publishers’ Choice Edition. The only book show in the country where the biggest names from behind the scenes in publishing join us for a full hour, to give us an insider’s eye into the books they’re bringing out right now. First on the show, we welcome the team from global publishing powerhouse, Pan Macmillan. To share some of their favourite current titles, both local and international. After that, we’ll be joined by Jonathan Ball Publishers. The team at Jonathan Ball, consistently publish a host of South Africa’s top non-fiction titles, as well as loads of great international fiction and non-fiction. And they’re here today to bring us up to speed with what they’ve got coming up. And after that, and a bit of music, last, but never least, we will be joined by our great, great friends at Exclusive Books, who come on the mic to add their important voice to the show, and share their top picks and v