Spiritpreneur School: Spiritual Business For Entrepreneurs

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If you would like to step into your greatness with Abiola, learn more about her current Priestess of Power All VIP Retreat and other courses and free offerings at Womanifesting.com Join me for the College of Psychic Studies UK NEW VIRTUAL WORKSHOP! Manifesting with the Ancestors & Goddesses, Sunday November 6th, 2022, 10AM EST Link: https://www.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk/workshops/ancestral-healing/manifesting-with-the-ancestors-goddesses/?id=4208 Current Offering: Only £75.00 From their site: Learn more at: http://TinyURL.com/AbiolaUKOnline "Honouring our ancestors should never just be an afterthought. Ancestor veneration is essential for our personal growth and evolution. Discover why and how in this livestream workshop with legendary goddess Abiola Abrams, Zooming in with us from her HQ in Guyana. Our ancestors include our family and bloodline ancestors. They also include cultural and community ancestors, and terrestrial or territory-based ancestors. These ancestors have immense wisdom and guidance