Faith Community Church Of Hopkinton

Generations: Family Is Important



The Family is the primary source of spiritual influence into the lives of children and teens. They spend a few hours a week (at best) at church and many times that under their parent's influence. Studies consistently show that parents are an important influence into the lives of teenagers and children, their values & worldview influencing their children's. If we want to reach the next generation, the church has to consider how it can help and partner with parents. (For the sake of this message, we will consider a family as any household raising children - two parents, single parent, foster parent, grandparents). As partners in this important role, the church needs to care for broken families, guide healthy families, equip family members with resources and lead every member of the family to a deeper relatinoship with Christ and a greater love for others. No family is perfect, but every family is vital to a child's spiritual development.