Faith Community Church Of Hopkinton

Everybody's Watching: Do Right and Wrong Matter?



Week 5 of the series "Everybody's Watching" from Faith Community Church. Society has become fascinated with anti-heroes: people who do the wrong thing for “right” reasons. Breaking Bad transforms a chemistry teacher into a Crystal Meth drug dealer in order to provide for his family. Dexter is a troubled man trapped by the desire to live out a double life as a police officer and a serial killer who strives for justice. In both stories, the main character learns that our choices catch up with us. Bad choices hurt people we love in ways we can never anticipate. The Bible warns us that doing the wrong thing for the right reason still has destructive impact. God has established universal morality for a reason. We need to learn how to live according to His will even when it hurts. Living outside His will/morality only produces greater suffering.