Faith Community Church Of Hopkinton

Start To Finish: Running The Race



The mission God has given us - alleviating suffering, effectively preaching the Gospel and leading people to a transformative relationship with God - is impossible for us to achieve on our own.  Fortunately, God has promised to help us.  He partners with us by giving us the resources we need to succeed.  One of the most powerful resources He provides is prayer.  God has promised to hear our prayer and respond. Only God can reach into a soul to enliven it.  Only God can reach into the heart and mind of a person to influence them to act.  Only God can fight spiritual forces to protect and strengthen His people against their attack.  Christians need to come together and pray in particular for God's Spirit to lead them, empower them and guard them so that they can achieve the mission He has given them.  When we dedicate ourselves to prayer, God will move in us, through us and around us to change the world.