My Seven Chakras

Magic Mushrooms: A Sacred Plant Medicine Journey For Healing And Spiritual Awakening



In this episode, I chat with my friend and Marla Martenson about her experiences with magic mushrooms...Marla Martenson who is a renowned millionaire match maker, a transformational coach and a personal development enthusiast! To learn more about Marla, visit marlamartenson.comI do have to mention that I interviewed her back in January this year, and since then, I have experienced this plant medicine in a ceremonial setting, and it was out of this world. I plan to record an episode about my experience sometime soon. ​The Healing properties of Magic Mushrooms are now being understood by science as a powerful tool for self-actualization and curing psychological disorders. Hallucinogenic mushrooms appear to have been part of human culture since its very inception. Art dating back to 5,000 B.C. and ranging across multiple continents shows how different cultures across the world venerated the mystical healing powers of the magic mushroom. Starting in the 1960’s and continuing today, scientific studies are being c