Drinking At Bible Study

76: Heart of Christianity Ch. 1/Racist Piece of S***, Mother F***ing A**hole. F*** him, Piece of S***



Joe and Brandi set a record for the most cuss words bleeped in a single episode! Topics discussed are can a Christian Mystic not be progressive, the president rolling back DACA (Mother F***ing, piece of s***, a**hole. F*** that a**hole piece of s***!), how Clinton's election loss was her fault and the DNC's fault and no one else's, how voting for the lesser of two evils is immoral disgusting and unChrist-like, The Nashville Statement, and Joel Olsteen. Then in the Ice Breaker they discuss what they'd like to devote more time too, and finally they get into the main discussion about chapter 1 of The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg where they discuss how Joe finds some progressive Christians very intolerant towards all evangelicals, what bridges the gap between Evangelical Christians and Progressive Christians, and then they get into a crazy talk about a Janga Puzzle analogy. All this and very little else in this week's episode.    Intro 00:00 Fellowship 02:02 Ice Breaker 49:00 Social Media 53:38 Let's Get