More Than A Few Words

#39 Favorite Wordpress Plugins



Wordpress Web Design: Last week Jay and I had a great discussion on More than a Few Words, ( our weekly podcast) about Wordpress plugins. We asked for suggestions from the community on twitter and facebook and built a great list to add to our favorites. We have been using Wordpress as the foundation of our web design business for several years and thought we had a pretty good list of standard plug ins.  But this program helped expand our list.  There were so many good suggestions, we had a hard time, narrowing down which ones we would talk about.  We might have to do another show on this topic later this year. Some of our favorites included: Social Metric.  I found this plugin in a blog post  by Adam Small, a writer for Marketing Tech blog. At a glance you can see how social your blog is; which posts are liked, tweeted, stumbled or mentioned on LinkedIn.It creates a great comprehensive list of statistics and you have the ability to post to any of the major networks right from your dashboard, giving a little e