Conrad Rocks

Turn Self Loathing into Passion



Conrad begins by discussing how it is natural to feel self-loathing and wallow in self-pity after making a mistake. However, he argues that it is possible to change this perspective by repenting and renewing one's mind. He cites verses from Ezekiel which talk about how people should loathe themselves for their wicked ways and then goes on to say that when they repent and change their ways, they will know that God is the Lord.Conrad discusses how self-loathing can become a self-perpetuating cycle, and how it is important to break out of that cycle. He talks about how David encouraged himself in the Lord even when he made mistakes, and how we need to do the same.In order to change self loathing into passion, one must first understand what passion is. Passion is not simply an action that is done out of necessity, but rather it is something that is done with excitement and zeal. When operating from a place of self loathing, it is easy to trick oneself into thinking that one must work in order to earn salvation. H