Tony Diaz #npradio

Sri Kulkarni #TX22 Candidate. And Omar Narvaez Dallas City Council. #PabloNerudaChallenge



Thank you for tuning into Latino Politics and News Tuesday, May 26, 2020. I'm Tony Diaz. Today, you will find out about our Pablo Neruda Challenge. And, can you guess which city has more Latino city council members? Houston or Dallas? Houston does have a slightly higher percentage of Latino population. You will get all these answers and more on today's episode. We will pose our #PabloNerudaChallegen to congressional candidates for battleground TX district 22. At the top of the program today, Sri Kulkarni, Democratic Candidate for the post, joins us. You will find out if he accepts or declines this opportunity to celebrate, in Spanish, one of the greatest poets to ever live. Will his Republican opponents accept? Or maybe, they don't like Pablo Neruda? Of course, the race for Texas's 22nd Congressional seat has made national news as a major battleground seat. We will find out how Sri Kulkarni plans to engage Latinos. On the second half of the show, Dallas City Councilman Omar Narvaez joins us. So now you