Tony Diaz #npradio

Gemini Ink ,Poets & Writers, Librotraficantes, & Free Tuition. Featuring Mex Step. &



Guests: Patrick Stockwell Literary Programs Director for Gemini Ink & Poet Lupe Mendez Poets & Writers Houston Coordinator. Featuring music by Mex Step. And find out about the Free Tuition Movement. Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante and the Nuestra Palabra Crew talk to Click her to donate to Nuestra Palabra: Bios: Patrick Stockwell is a native of Houston, Texas and holds an MFA in Creative Writing-Fiction from New Mexico State University where he served as an assistant editor for Puerto del Sol and a coordinator with La Sociedad para las Artes and the Distinguished Visiting Writers Series. Stockwell currently works as Literary Programs Director for Gemini Ink, San Antonio's Literary Arts Center. His literary debut, The Light Here Changes Everything, was the winner of the 2018 Clay Reynolds Novella Prize and will be published Fall 2019 by Texas Review Press. Originally from Galveston, TX, Lupe Mendez (Writer//Educator//Activ