Tony Diaz #npradio

El Librotraficante Talk to Houston Chronicle Theater Critic Wen-Huan Chen & Jovan Abernathy



Tony Diaz, El Librotraficante and the Nuestra Palabra Crew talk cultural capital with Wei-Huan Chen, theater critic for the Houston Chronicle, who wrote a potent piece titled: "Houston theater diversity, not always so diverse". Jovan Abernathy tells us how she is bringing business into art and health into communities through Houston Tourism Gym. Here is a link to the article: "Houston theater diversity, not always so diverse". Click her to donate to Nuestra Palabra. Donate today and we’ll list you among our summer muses on our website through Hispanic Heritage Month and we’ll give you a shout out on the air:…_id=9CPLMM88TF5BS Bios: Wei-Huan Chen is theater critic for the Houston Chronicle. He also writes about classical music, opera and the performing arts scene. Before arriving at the