Embolden Adventures

Podcast #13 - The Ayahuasca Chronicles - Before the First Ceremony



Sara here from Embolden Adventures. This PODCAST is part of the Embolden Adventures series, The Ayahuasca Chronicles. The Ayahuasca Chronicles showcases the 7 ayahuasca ceremonies in which I participated deep in the Amazon Rainforest in Peru. Throughout the two weeks, I made several detailed videos documenting each of my 7 ayahuasca ceremonies. These vlogs can be found on my Embolden Adventures YouTube Channel, so be sure to check them out. Please subscribe here to Embolden Adventures. Thanks! Links here: https://www.Emboldenadventures.com YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/aiOZcTn_5vY Embolden Adventures YouTube Ayahuasca Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJQQaGMqO7AkQKB1WEhMpvbt-KEXgpsYQ These ceremonies are part of my epic 5 Week Adventure across the world. We stayed at Temple of the Way of Light, located deep in the Amazon. For two weeks we were completely offgrid and out of touch with the world I know. The purpose of my time away was to participate in 7 ayahuasca ceremonies