Ally Loprete

The Big Launch



Turn your at-home-hobby into a MONEY MAKING MACHINE! Moms, there has never been a better time for you to put your special skills into action to create a profitable business. You don't need a business degree or even previous entrepreneurial experience to find success your first time out of the gate. These days, you can work from ANYWHERE and still make money. The BEST way to launch a new business... ...Hold your breath and DIVE RIGHT in, of course... but not before creating a basic business plan. Have fun with it! Don't be afraid to mix in some spontaneity with your preparedness. Both will adequately add value to your launch and balance you out --- whether you are more of the impulsive type or the deliberate planner. ENSURE a successful first-time launch! With anything new and unfamiliar, you MUST go in with a sense of adventure. Don't sweat the small stuff. There is a first time for everything and EVERYONE who has ever been super successful. Ask the Pros No matter how unique your idea is, there have many othe