Ally Loprete

Deliberate Creation and Feng Shui



We've got this, 2015! I woke up on January 1st in the best mood. Enjoying the holiday laziness of watching Hollywood screeners in my pajamas with my family, eating all the leftovers from the party the night before… without the guilt or shame...and feeling the pull of all that awaits us in the new year. All was right in the world— just as I had left it in 2014 before the chaos of the holidays began. I felt like I had plenty of time before the official craziness of the new year would begin, and I was confident that one more day of laziness wouldn’t matter. After all, I am in charge of my life. I was looking forward to 2015 but honestly… a bit sad to say goodbye to 2014. Last year was our best year yet. The Path of Least Resistance We are deliberate creators and when we made the decision to become the bosses of our own companies and the maternal figures of our families, we could not settle for anything less than to become PROFICIENT in calling the shots and taking charge. We set out to control the chaos befor