Ally Loprete

SCARY Success...even for those with FEAR



Self-Employment can be downright SCARY. If you find yourself feeling anxious about the small business you set in motion, nervous about where the next paycheck is coming from, or skeptical about investing any more of yourself (let alone more time and money) into a project that won't bring you a return... you are just like all the successful entrepreneurs who have come before you. EVERYONE DOUBTS. When faced with fear, there are some people who will just throw in the towel. Others will find a way to break past the fear and the limiting beliefs to earn a profit... from the very thing that they were doubting. Establish TRUST... with yourself Being a business owner is FUN... until --- it isn't. When you lose your mojo... every single business decision that you make can be overwhelming and burdensome. LACK OF CONFIDENCE causes hesitation -- which can lead to more challenges and send you spiraling downward. FAST. Get Grounded in Clarity Remember this formula? Vision + Action = Results The Universe is not biase