Ally Loprete

Empower Yourself, Empower the World



Moms are great with scheduling in time for everyone else. How about a little "YOU" time? Worried it might take away from the time you've scheduled to save the world? You are not alone. As moms we are often driven to pursue definitions of what a good mother looks like to the point that we completely lose ourselves in the process. I am inviting Patty Lennon back to the show this week because she is a lot like you. She is a mom who thrives on making an impact on the world, connecting with other women, and giving herself the life she's always wanted. Patty will be joining us this Friday to talk to us about creating a virtual home for Moms like you who are ready to move up on the priority list - by designing a life that honors you as an individual. READ MORE ABOUT PATTY LENNON HERE--> If you are ready to fall as deeply in love with your life as you are with your children, this is the show for you! In addition, Patty will be sharing with us some great knowledge about Micro-Lending through and how to give b