Ally Loprete

Sometimes Mommy just needs... Daddy.



Like today. The first day of Kindergarten for my youngest baby. It's not as if I didn't prepare. I've been ready for eight years...or so I thought. This was SUPPOSED TO BE the day that I would be able to get back to myself, my sense of peace, and the voices in my head. A chance to revisit the woman I was BEFORE I became a parent... Ironically, I have never felt MORE like a parent than I do right now. I have become outlandishly aware of the dubiousness that surrounds me as a mother who just graduated her baby to big boy. Did I pack him enough to eat? Should I have looked for a school with a half day kinder program? Are his new shoes going to be comfortable for him? Will he be HATING me when he comes home? Do I really have to go through all of this AGAIN tomorrow? Even more ironically, I don't remember having much of a purpose or even a clear vision of WHO I was UNTIL I became a mother. So, remembering a more independent me is a little more complicated than I expected. Thank Goodness for Daddy. The experts