Ally Loprete

A Champion 4 Yourself & Your Children



When in doubt, blame the kids... We thought that leaving our corporate jobs and building a new career at home would give us FREEDOM. Freedom from the time clock... freedom from a long commute...freedom from overbearing and inflexible employers...and freedom to travel way beyond that ceiling made of glass. The biggest freedom of all? To be a parent without apology. There is a new boss in town and she needs a diaper change. The FREEDOM that was promised by an at-home career now brings about a new set of circumstances that seems almost counter-intuitive to the original plan. Therein lies the ultimate paradox. Somewhere along the way that freedom that we worked so hard to achieve became our new prison....guarded by (you guessed it) the little people that have taken over our lives. As if we haven't been tested enough, it seems as though the mere act of having children set off a chain reaction of creativity, exploration and the desire for entrepreneurship. The irony lies in the ideas that suddenly pour out o