School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#206 Inspire, Not Require... Sounds Ideal, But Does it Actually Work?



Welcome to the podcast! We’re coming to you from Warsaw, Poland. Our kids are on the other side of town in an Airbnb and we’re spending the weekend at a luxury hotel to celebrate Greg’s 45th birthday. (Please excuse any sounds of the city such as sirens, etc.) There is a philosophy in parenting and education (perhaps started by TJED) that states ‘Inspire, Not Require’. The idea is that instead of requiring your children or students to do things — chores, reading, studies, being kind — you inspire them to do it through your actions and example. But does that mean that there is NEVER a time to require anything?  As one mom put it,  “While I love the idea of inspiring and think it is the best way in the end, does it mean that there is no room for requirements? Do we not need to set boundaries and expectations (is that similar to requirements) for our youth? If not, what do you do in the meantime when you aren't so great at inspiring? And if there is a need for both, how do you navigate that field (espe