Liquid Church

Don’t Miss Your Miracle | Breakthrough Part 4



Did you know that the Holy Spirit doesn’t always lead you into blessings? Life is full of mountaintops AND valleys. There are seasons when the Holy Spirit will lead you into a valley to experience self-denial and affliction. See, if you want to be used powerfully by God, there are times when things will get uncomfortable. Why? God is training you for battle with the devil! You will be tempted and tested throughout your life and you will want to quit. The Christian life is not a playground. It isn’t fun and games. It’s a battleground, and as you fast, you’re participating in Spiritual Warfare.  At some point you’ll undergo a test. Will you let your circumstances overwhelm you? Or will you push through with the power of Christ? You may be tempted to quit something right now: your relationship, your ministry, your hope, your health, because life has gotten really hard. Don’t quit! Instead, fix your eyes on Jesus and seek victory with Him. If you quit, you might miss your miracle! Watch this message from Pas