Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Resilient | Part 2 | Glory or Desolation | Michelle Snook



The Strength That Prevails   Resilient: Glory or Desolation January 15, 2023   The landscape of Oregon is dotted with evidence of once-bustling, thriving frontier communities that have, for one reason or another, been abandoned. While it’s almost impossible to prove, some have claimed that Oregon is home to more ghost towns than any other state. There are no set definitions for what makes a particular place a ‘ghost town’ but experts have agreed on three classifications: true, partial, and tourist. A true ghost town has no permanent residents, while a partial ghost town has lost the majority of its population. A tourist ghost town has completely changed the purpose for their existence, while retaining the character of their historic heyday. In the book, Ghost Towns of the Northwest, an old-timer from the dwindling Wheeler County village of Spray was quoted as saying, “They’s just like any other town ‘cept they ain’t hardly no one livin’ there.”   So, what causes a once-thriving community to decline to the poi