Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 319 - Astrology & Mental Diagnoses



This week I'm returning to  Medical Astrology (on the understanding it's NOT a medical qualification) A way of looking at a chart to help understand the person, not the 'diagnosis'   Charlene Soraia (a lovely little clip of her playing guitar (well) & singing a song live) Leo Asc, Sun Cancer in the 12th, Moon Virgo in (possibly) 2nd Lots of squares to the Moon ADD 'diagnosis' Leo Asc, Sun Capricorn in 5th, along with Capricorn stellium Moon Taurus in 9th Sun square Moon Gabrielle Daleman Olympic Figure Skater   Gemini Asc, Sun Capricorn in 8th, Mercury in 7th  Transits for last day of Olympics Note outer planets that have been transiting: Uranus/Neptune/Pluto