Drinking At Bible Study

77: Heart of Christianity Ch. 2/Our Little God Box



Joe and Brandi actually start the episode by accident this week by talk about stand up comedy. What makes a good stand up, can anyone be a stand up and how both Brandi and Joe should have been stand ups. That's just in the intro. In the Fellowship the two talk about Jim Carrey's crazy red carpet interview and talk about whether us not mattering is actually good news. Then in the Ice Breaker they discuss what qualities in a partner would be a total turn off. Finally in the Falafeling they discuss the second chapter of Marcus Borg's book The Heart of Christianity and talk about faith, how we should view the Bible, whether God actually wants our total devotion, and of course they end by discussing whether an infinate being that we can't even understand or grasp can fit into a tiny box that we totally understand. All this and very little else in this week's episode.    Intro 00:00 Fellowship 17:43 Ice Breaker 34:07 Social Media: 47:43 Let's Get Falafeling 48:52 Prayer Requests 1:34:30   Outro: The Parting Glass b