School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#207 How to Make Sure Your Kids Are NOT ANNOYING (Because It's Crucial to THEIR Adult Happiness)



You might not realize it, but as a parent, YOU have a moral obligation to make sure that your child (or children) are NOT annoying. Why? Because in order for your children to function normally in the world — and to have a healthy, happy life — they need to be able to interact effectively in society. They can’t do this if they haven’t gained the skills of social interaction. One of the major signs (at any age) that they’re lacking these skills is if they have annoying behavior. If your children are annoying to you, they’re also annoying to others. And that’s a problem. If a young child develops annoying behavior (we discuss WHY this happens in the episode) they don’t fully understand WHY others find them annoying. And so they grow up knowing that people don’t like them but not understanding why they’re not liked. This is psychologically unhealthy. If you want your child to be able to develop healthy, long-lasting relationships with others — which is essential for a life of happiness and fulfillment — then they