G.i. Joe: A Real American Headcast

Bravo Team Episode 19: G.I. Joe Field Manual, Chapter Three



Hey Joes. It's been awhile, but Brother Head is once again solo, to talk about the G.I. Joe Field Manual. This episode, we're digging in to the third chapter, talking about The Joe Team from The Revenge of Cobra! So if you have a copy of the Field Manual, pop it open and take a look with me. Otherwise, sit back, relax, and listen as I go through the third chapter and talk about the Joes from the second mini-series. Write in to gijoe@headspeaks.com and let us know what you thought of this book! You can visit us on the web at http://headcastnetwork.com On Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, we can be found by searching for G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast And be sure to look for us on Patreon. If you like what we're doing, throw a few bucks in the tin at http://patreon.com/HeadcastNetwork. Yo Joe!