
What Are God's Pronouns?



Special guest, Dr Rev Jennifer Bashaw, joins us to discuss everything from the pronouns of God to the Divine Feminine to her most recent book, Scapegoats: The Gospel Through the Eyes of Victims! Hosts TJ (Tiberius Juan) Blackwell, Joshua Noel, and guest host David Pizarro (pizza roll) ask all about it and how we can all have unity even if we disagree on God's gender! Why is God referred to as a male? If God is a Father, who is the mother? What is God's wife name? Does the Bible say that God is neither male or female? Why is God a female? What does the Bible say about femininity? What is feminist criticism of the Bible? What is a scapegoat person? What are some examples of a scapegoat? Why is it called scapegoat? We discuss all this and much more! Let us know your thoughts by joining the conversation on our Discord Server and Facebook group!.Check out our readings list!.Check out our upcoming convention and buy your tickets now! out our online store:t