Sharp - The Podcast

Do Better Meetings – STP049



Episode 49 - Life is too short for terrible meetings. We explore how to make them better, whether you run 'em, go to 'em, or avoid 'em. Dive in...Some of the USEFUL stuff in there is:Who invented the meetingTerrible conference calls - an exampleWhy a CNBC article confirms your worst fears - meetings can be rubbishEverything that's wrong with meetingsHolding meetings 101 - The basics:Respect your attendee's timeGet to the pointConsider who HAS to be thereSet the agendaChange the locationOr even just change SEATS!John Cleese shows us what's wrong with meetingsCan you make meetings better if you're invited to them? YES YOU CANA great article by Tom Catalini - how to avoid meetings that waste your timeBook meetings with yourselfFind out from the organiser what the purpose is of the meetingReach out to the other delegates and help each other prepareWhy you should sometimes say 'no'Arrive late - or leave earlyA GREAT Ted talk by David Grady - Worth 6 minutes of your time trust meThe radical stuff - what Jeff Bezos,