Sharp - The Podcast

Brain Food – STP045



Episode 45 - We've learned amazing stuff about our brains for this episode. We give you 2 great articles, a fab Ted talk AND a smorgasbord of remarkable brain-related facts! Hold on to your hat...Some of the USEFUL stuff in there is:We've realised that the SAW that we're sharpening every week is the one in our headsDid you ever notice it in the logo?All the mind-blowing facts in this episode come from this fab article at - bebrainfit.comHow many? Phenomenal brain numbersA superb article from Sean Nisil at - Productivityist.comHe has written about cognitive loadEmpty your brainStop things filling it upYou'll thank yourself, feel more relaxed, be creative and your 3 pounds of fat and water will be SHARPER!Lewis Hamilton doesn't drive a Hillman ImpA good news/bad news sandwich around how flexible your brain isWhat a great article from Lachlan Brown at - Hackspirit.comHe tells us 7 activities or hobbies that science says can make you smarterMeditateLearn a second languageReadExercise your bodyExercise your brain