Sharp - The Podcast

Doing The Day – STP037



Episode 37 - In this final episode on managing your focus and attention, we look at dealing with the stuff that comes up in your day and give you some great techniques and solutions to help you get it done well.Some of the USEFUL stuff in there is:What\'s led to this episode:Episode 34 - How to say \'NO\' to reduce your workloadEpisode 35 - How to decide what\'s important when prioritisingEpisode 36 - How to use 5 key tools to plan your day:A notebook (or somewhere to dump your \'mind\')An Action listBucketsA CalendarA RoutineBUT DON\'T WORRY IF YOU HAVEN\'T LISTENED TO THEM - OR PREPARED...There\'s loads in this one you can use either on its own, or with the structureHow does your day look? Are you a canoeist, a balloonist, or a cyclist?PLANNING THE DAYThis should take 5 minutes once you\'ve got your template readyI use the questions from Peter Bregman\'s 18 minutes model:Review your Action list – what will make this day highly effective?What can I realistically accomplish in my areas of focus? (From EP35)Wh