The One Thing

301. Simple Advice for Being a Better Parent | Craig Kessler



Something we all struggle with is finding the right balance between thriving professionally and thriving personally.It’s easy to focus on the professional side of things—your job, business, finances—and lose sight of your personal priorities. The problem is your professional priorities are easy to pick up once you drop them, but if you’re not careful, your personal priorities can be damaged forever. How do we manage to be purposeful in both areas of life?Craig Kessler is the COO of Topgolf, a husband, and father of three boys. He wants to continue thriving professionally, but he’s identified that what matters most to him is the personal side of life. Instead of acting like an entrepreneur and trying to figure things out, he leveraged his powerful network to ask people who seemed to have it all. He took the advice of everyone he reached out to and created “The Dad Advice Project.” Whether you’re a mother or father, this book is full of simple things you can do to invest in the relationships that matter to you