The One Thing

271. The Most Important Lessons from the Couples Retreat



What do you do when life throws you a curveball and forces you to reinvent the way that you work?Every one of us experienced that in 2020, and just about every one of us has struggled with this transition. But for everyone who was able to attend The ONE Thing Virtual Goal Setting Retreat, and especially for everyone on The ONE Thing team, we had the much-needed opportunity to get back in touch with our community, get empowered by it, and get reacquainted with our goals.We recorded this episode right after wrapping up the first weekend of the 2020 Virtual Couples Goal Setting Retreat because we just learned so much that we wanted to record it right away and share it with you as soon as possible.If you’re an individual or team, it’s not too late to attend the second weekend of the retreat live. You can sign up as an individual or as a team at if you couldn’t attend either weekend, don’t worry! We’re also recording all of these sessions, and you can still get access to all of the rec