The One Thing

262. Make Your Someday Goals a Reality



Wouldn’t it be great if you could fire up a time machine and travel to the end of this pandemic? Better yet, what if you could transform to an extraordinary future where you not only accomplish all your big goals, but you achieve them without stress or overwhelm?This may sound like a fantasy, but it’s more achievable than you think. When you practice mental time travel and get clarity on where you want to go, you can rewind the steps to where you are now and devise a plan to get there. This is what we call “goal setting to the now.”In this episode, we’re going to walk through what this concept has done in our lives. By setting five year goals and then really big “someday” goals, and aligning your actions today with those goals, you will have a simple plan to follow that gets you closer to the life you want every day.If this sounds interesting to you, you can join our annual Goal Setting Retreat by visiting this episode, you will learn...[02:57] The first time we did goal setting to