The One Thing

227. Dave Hollis | How to Get Out of Your Own Way



Are you the goal setter in your relationship?Over the past few years, we’ve noticed a common challenge at our Couples Goal Setting Retreats: in most relationships, one person is a goal setter and the other is not, one person is open to trying anything and the other is a skeptic.There’s nothing wrong with healthy skepticism, but it’s also important to examine how your natural state can influence your ability — and your partner’s ability — to grow. So, with this natural divide in almost every relationship, how can a couple grow together? Dave Hollis, author of the upcoming Get Out of Your Own Way: A Skeptic's Guide to Growth and Fulfillment and co-host of RISE Together, shares what happened when his partner (past guest Rachel Hollis) started her personal growth journey. While she gained personal momentum, he felt unfulfilled and overcome with fear — and until he confronted the fact that who he was getting further and further away from who he wanted to be, he was stuck. Listen to learn how Dave got out of his o