The One Thing

31. How to bring innovation into your company



How do you build the business that puts you out of business? Whether you're an employee, entrepreneur, or intrapreneur, you have to find innovative new ways to stay in business every single day. Our guest, David J. Neff, is the author of IGNITE: Setting your Organization's Culture on Fire with Innovation. He will teach you how to support intrapreneurs, stay ahead of new trends, and build a system that fosters internal innovation.   The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode: Set your business up for success! Draft an internal innovation program for your business that nurtures the best talent, then implement it or pitch it. When you empower your people, you will be amazed by what happens.   Step 1: Create an internal innovation program. Step 2: Create a review panel that considers new ideas on a regular basis. (They aren't a shark tank; they are mentors and coaches.) Step 3: Pick ONE innovative idea to pursue. Step 4: Task your intrapreneur with creating a business plan. Step 5: Review the business