The One Thing

25. How to be the leader people LOVE to follow (and never want to leave)



Have you ever felt successful, but ultimately unfulfilled? You can have a big business and big bucks, but if you're not focusing on the ONE thing that's truly important to you, then you probably won't be happy. Today's guest, Scott Love, is an expert in building employee loyalty so that companies can increase retention, decrease turnover, and attract high achievers. Scott's tactics will help any leader create a positive and supportive environment, whether you are a leader in business, community, or family.     The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode: Leadership is a journey to find your purpose, but you need to give yourself permission to embark upon it. Start by asking yourself this question: Why am I here? If you are struggling to come up with an answer, then imagine that you have unlimited money, your relationships are perfect, and you have all the time in the world. What is still important?   In this episode you will learn... [6:30] How you can create an environment that the best talen