The One Thing

20. How to Turn Your Biggest Pain into Your Greatest Transformation (Chad Hyams)



You’ve read The ONE Thing… but do you practice it every day? While the teachings are simple in concept, we find many people struggle to live them every day. Chad Hyams was one of these people… When he was first introduced to the book he was at rock bottom. Then he applied its lessons to transform his life and his business, going from overweight and unfulfilled professionally to being in the best shape of his life and being named 2016’s The ONE Thing Certified Trainer of the Year! He’s on the show to help you transform into your best self.     The ONE Thing to Implement From This Episode: Choose the ONE area of your life that you need help most (spiritual life, physical health, personal life, key relationships, job, business, financial life). Commit to forming a power habit in that area by starting your 66-Day Challenge.   Don’t bite off more than you can chew – start with one thing you KNOW you can do, give yourself a win, and build that momentum.   In this episode you will learn... [