They Create Worlds

Space Invaders and Nishikado



TCW Podcast Episode 179 - Space Invaders and Nishikado   We look at the life and career of Tomohiro Nishikado, and the life influences that led to his creation of one of the most influential games ever made. Space Invaders! Starting life at the tail end of World War II, Nishikado always had a rebellious streak wanting to get into electronics then follow his mother into education. After some difficulty with school he eventually graduated from Denki University with an electronics degree, during this time, this time he fell in love with coin-op arcade games. Eventually through the help of a friend he landed a job at Taito's subsidiary, Pacific Amusements. Despite not liking his placement at the company, Nishikado continued to work there out of loyalty for his friend. He eventually worked on Sky Fighter, Basketball, and Super Road 7.  Eventually as the industry shifted to microprocessors, and TTL  hardware he eventually made Space Invaders!   TCW 077 - Invading Taito Part 1: