School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#209 How to Get Your Kids (& Spouse) on Board with Charts & Systems (+ Why You NEED Them Even if You Think You Don't)



We received another question from a mom who was interested in joining my Family Charts & Systems course and community. In an email I sent out, it said: As a mother of seven children, my life seriously changed forever once I learned how to FINALLY get organized. So when moms tell me they don't have a system for chores or study time, I'm like... "Say what?!" I get it. Some of you don't like systems. You'd rather live free-flowing and in the moment. I was that mom too, about ten years ago. But then I discovered the incomparable power of having family systems and it changed my life and family. Systems bring sanity. Systems teach responsibility. Systems provide accountability. Systems empty your plate so you can focus on the things YOU want to do as a PERSON. Systems help you be a better parent. Systems help your children learn adult skills. She responded saying, “This email sounds great about systems, BUT here's the question